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or send a check

​Make check payable to

“RHS PTSA – Post Grad”, include your child’s name and grade, and send to



PO Box 868

Ridgefield, CT 06877

a gift

We gladly accept donations of prizes for our graduating seniors. Hint: Use credit card points to purchase items or gift cards to stores such as Best Buy and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Grads love gift cards! Contact us if you would like to donate a gift.

Amazon Wishlist will open in the Spring, so stop back to see it then!


Thank you for donating a gift. A committee member will be getting back to your shortly to arrange a drop off.


There is NO CHARGE to the graduating seniors to attend this event. The Post Grad Committee raises all the funds to meet the cost of this party.  Although the senior parents typically account for 70% of the funds raised by donating, the committee depends on the rest of the funds to be donated by our RHS and Ridgefield Community.


Includes games, prizes, food, shuttle for volunteers, facility, security, administrative supplies and fees, decorations and much more. Please help us cover this cost.

All donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Ask your employer for a “matching gift” donation.


Donations made early in the year are helpful to our planning process,

so please make your donation TODAY!

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